
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)


What is PBL?

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) is an evidence-based whole school framework that actively promotes positive behaviour. It enables students to develop a clear understanding of required expectations, become responsible for their own behaviour and work together to create a positive, productive and harmonious learning community.

Our school-wide behavioural expectations/ rules are:

  • Be Safe,
  • Be Respectful, and
  • Be Successful

Our rules are represented through our super hero mascots, Safety Boy, Respecter Girl and Captain Successful.

Each week, teachers will explicitly teach and reinforce expected behaviours through focused lessons which involve discussion, role play and reflection. Refer to the matrix of expected behaviours (DOCX, 23KB) for more information.

Why PBL?

PBL is systematic and evidence-based. It is based on research and is designed to support all students to achieve their best academically, socially and behaviourally.

Parental support

Parent support of PBL is also a fundamental element of the framework. We value parent contributions at our school and encourage parents to contact the school to discuss any aspect of the Giru State School PBL framework.

Our rewards system

Our school-wide rewards system acknowledges both the whole school and individual students who have made positive progress towards displaying our school-wide behavioural expectations. The rewards system is a tiered system and has four levels which will include:

Level 1: Weekly recognition

SRS tokens - frequently awarded to students for displaying positive behaviour in the playground and classroom. Students who receive one or more tokens during the week, will go in the draw for a chance to win a reward on parade. The student drawn out on parade will chooses their reward from a provided list. SRS tokens continue to accumulate for each student throughout the year.

Level 2: Half term recognition

Students who have 0-1 major incidents recorded for the 5 week period and/or 15 SRS tokens will be rewarded with a silver superhero postcard being sent home to their parents (to acknowledge this positive behaviour) and a lunch break in the rewards room.

Level 3: End of term recognition

Students who have 0-1 major incidents and/or 35 SRS tokens will be rewarded with a gold superhero postcard being sent home to their parents as well as a session in the rewards room.

Level 4: End of year recognition

Students who have 0-1 major incidents and/or 150 SRS tokens will receive special recognition at parade at the end of the year as well as a student negotiated reward such as pizza party or pool party.

Whole school recognition

When the whole school has achieved intervals of 500 SRS tokens, the whole school will receive recognition in the form of a “special day” such as a free dress day, crazy hair day, extra lunch time play or a free special food day e.g. ice-creams.

Example consequences

​Minor: ​Major:
  • Verbal warning
  • Catch up on missed work
  • Litter duty
  • Natural consequence
  • Verbal apology/ explanation
  • Written apology/ explanation
  • Supervised time out
  • Detention
  • Parent contacted
  • Buddy class and Responsible Thinking Reflection sheet
  • Walk with adult on duty
  • Detention
  • Parent contacted
  • Individual behaviour plan
  • Ineligible to participate in school event e.g. excursion/ camp
  • Ineligible for school leadership position
  • Internal suspension
  • Community service
  • Suspension (1-10 days)
  • Suspension (11-20 days)
  • Alternate program
  • Suspension with recommendation for exclusion

Further information

For further information regarding positive behaviour for learning, please refer to the Giru State School responsible behaviour plan for students, or contact the principal.

Further documentation

Last reviewed 10 December 2019
Last updated 10 December 2019